Wednesday 2 October 2013

Target Audience Research

The target audience of my magazine is students of either gender between 14 and 19. Due to this I have chosen to ask three students ages 16 and 17 of both genders. These are my questions:

Which of these names do you prefer, and why?

  • Eye on Ludlow.
  • Student Pop!
  • Studentz
  • St-YOU-dent
  • Or St-U-dent (spelt with the letter 'u' instead of the word 'you').

Which of these colour schemes do you prefer, and why?
  • Purple, grey and black.
  • Or navy, sky blue and white (college colours).

What is your opinion on the use of informal language in a student magazine? Give reasons.
  • Positive.
  • Negative.

Would you be interested in frank advice on sex, drugs and other teen problems, and why?
  • Yes (reasons).
  • No (reasons).

Which image location would you find more appealing, outdoors or indoors, with technology (a computer room), and why?
  • Outdoors.
  • Indoors.
What do you think is a reasonable price to charge for a student magazine? Give reasons.

  • Free.
  • Under 50p.
  • 50p to £1.
  • Over £1.

Chosen answers.

I found from my target audience research that all of the students that I interviewed had similar opinions on all of my questions. I have discovered that 'Student Pop!' was most definitely the name of choice for my student magazine. My interviewees also seemed very interested in keeping the magazine as relative as possible to the college (by using the college colours) which I originally had not expected. This research confirmed my thoughts that students would like informal language within a magazine directed at them, as well as confirming my thoughts about including frank advice in the magazine. By asking the students, I found that an outdoor scene would be most attractive on my magazine cover. And finally, i learnt that students would not mind paying for the magazine, as long as it was under £1.

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