Wednesday 2 October 2013

Initial Ideas

Name and Connotations:
  • Eye on Ludlow - Connotes secrets and gossip, which will appeal to my target audience.
  • Student Pop! - Connotes fun and excitement, however, this may be slightly too immature for my target audience.
  • Studentz - Connotes a modern, up-to-date magazine.
  • St-YOU-dent / St-U-dent - This name would make the reader feel involved as it includes the word 'you'.
  • I will ask opinions on these names withing my target audience research.

House Style:
  • Consistent use of no more than three colours.
  • Colours either purple, grey and and black (brings a modern feel to the magazine, and connotes attitude, which relates to my target audience) or navy, sky blue and white (the college logo colours, so fits well with target audience). I will use my target audience research to help me decide which colour set to use.
  • Text font harsh, strong and bold. I would not use a curly, feminine font as this may make my magazine seem more gender specific, which will give me a narrower target audience. Also, a font like this will most probably also connote attitude, as well as being easy to read.

Mode of Address:
  • Informal language to connote a more friendly vibe to my magazine, making it easier to read for a teen, who could be easily bored.
  • I will not, however, make my mode of address too informal (e.g. use text speak (lyf for life), lack of grammar, etc), as this may have a negative effect on some of my readers' education, as well as being irritating for others.

  • I will relate all of my content to student life, using only things that will engage and interest them. Some of this content could include:-
  1. A help page (money problems, college stress, bullying, family, etc).
  2. News related stories. What's happening all around the world?
  3. Educational features.
  • As well as these articles, I will also include a large amount of pop culture within the magazine. This could include:
  1. Films and TV.
  2. Games.
  3. Fashion.
  4. Music.
  5. Celebrities.
  • I may also include pages with frank advice and information on sex, drugs and the other dangers of teen life, however, I will decide this after asking opinions on it in my target audience research.
Central Image:
  • My central image will fill my whole cover.
  • My subject(s) will be a student(s) of the college, relating to the target audience.
  • I will set the image somewhere around the college, most likely outside or around a lot of technology (I will ask opinions on this in my target audience research), as this will appeal to my target audience.
  • My subject(s) will be smiling, to connote a friendliness.
  • The photograph will be a medium shot.
  • I will use a high aperture (around f/1.8) to blur the background and ensure all of the readers attention is on the subject(s).
  • I will price my magazine under £1, as many students have little money to spend.
  • I will ask opinions on this in my target audience research.

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