Wednesday 16 October 2013

Research and Planning: Introduction to Main Task

My main task consists of creating an entirely original cover page, contents page and double page spread  for a music magazine. This will involve researching my chosen sub-genre, producing the stated page and evaluating my final product. This is how I plan to manage my time:

Week 1:
  • Explore initial ideas.
  • Begin research.
Week 2:
  • Continue research.
  • Start developing pitch.
Week 3:
  • Complete research.
  • Complete pitch.
Week 4:
  • Present pitch to target audience for initial target audience research.
  • Produce a style sheet.
  • Research models, clothing, location, etc for images.
  • Create initial mock ups.
Week 5:
  • Begin production.
Week 6:
  • Continue production.
Week 7:
  • Continue production.
Week 8:
  • Finish production.
  • Collect audience feedback.
Week 9:
  • Study audience feedback.
  • Make adjustments.
Week 10:
  • Finalise all designs.
Weeks 11, 12, 13, 14:
  • Evaluation.
Week 15:
  • Final coursework check.

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