Sunday 17 November 2013

Photo Shoot Ideas: Models

In this post I expressed my initial ideas for subjects of the photographs that I will use in my magazine. All of the images here I have taken myself, which gives me a good insight in the way they might look if I were too do a shoot with them.

Dan and Alex
Dan and Alex are in their own unsigned band anyway, so it would not be difficult to make them seem fitting for my magazine. Also, being twins, they have the best possible chemistry, meaning they will look less awkward, and far more natural when being photographed. By using male models for my sub-genre of magazine, I will attract a larger readership, not only because my predominately male readers will find it relatable, but also because it adds sex appeal to attract to the female readers.

Ellie's style connotes the exact feeling that my magazine will be trying to portray, this makes her a great potential model. However, she looks quite young, which may suggest that my target audience is younger than it is and I also do not see her very often.

Phil has a great look to fit in with my magazine and also appears to be a good match for my target audience age group. He is also very convenient to do a shoot with, as I see him regularly. Similarly to Dan and Alex, his gender and appearance will appeal to both male and female readers. However, he is quite awkward and doesn't seem to feel as natural as others with instruments.

It would be very easy to photograph myself using a tripod and the self-timer function, as, not only is it convenient, but I also know how I want the images to appear, and would not have to explain them to someone else. However, I think I look to young to fit well with my target audience. 

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